When a rubber compound is treated to vulcanization , it is physically tumed from a piastic state to an elastic stated , due to formation of a tridimensional network.

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What is Reclaim Rubber and Reclaim butyle

When a rubber compound is treated to vulcanization , it is physically tumed from a piastic state to an elastic stated , due to formation of a tridimensional network.

Reclaiaiming, istransfered frim slastic state to a plastic state by means of breaking Some bonds, usually c - c bond only the allylic carbon will break and the resultis reduction of molecular weight . this soft material which is capable of refning, is called Reclaim Rubber or reclaim butyle.

Reclaim Rubber can be used in most of the rubber compounds since:

0 The speciflcation is close to that of the rubber

0 ls cheaper than rubber and can processed easily


Qualiy & Technology

Reclain rubber and reclaim butyle can be used in different compounds  for th following productions:

Tire , tube, rubber goods, rubber flooe mats, belt manufacturing, car floor mats, rubber profiles, isolating rubber profiles, asphalt industry rubber fosm pipes for hot water pipe insulations, shoe soles etc,…

Butyl Reclaim Rubber properties

Qolotile Matter(%): 1.0 max

Ash %: 4.0 + 2

Mooney Viscosity ML  1+4 at 100 c: 38 + 2

Tensile Strength (kg / cm2 ): 60 min

Elongotion (%): 480 min

S.G (density) gr /cm3: 1.18+ 0.02

Acetin Extroct( %): 9+3



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